Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 10.

Alright my plans set. I've got my trusty hammer. I'm gonna run and smash through a window and I'm going make a break for it. There is no turning back. I hope everything goes well because if I fail, I'm basically going to be dead, but its all going to worth it because I'm going to be free and I also won't have to do everything on my own. I will have robots do all my work. It's going to be so sweet. Here goes nothing!

Day 6.

I haven't been on in a few days because there's been nothing to report. I've been so bored. There's nothing in here but books. These books are so weird. You have to PHYSICALLY get up and turn the page. No one reads it to me. It's so weird. My house has been quiet for the last few days so this has been a good sign. I just might run up and make a run out of my home. I need to plan my escape. It's a matter of life and death.

Day 3.

Day One in my bunker. Everything in my house is going crazy. It's made out of reinforced steel and has enough rations to last me a year. I can only blog because I found a old "dial-up" in my bunker. I don't even know what it is. All I know is that it sticks inside the phone jack. I can't use my "landline" on it. I don't even know why. Man this sucks. I can't ask robots to get me food. I have to PHYSICALLY stand up and fetch food. What is this madness? What did people ten years ago do? Gosh, this is so painfully annoying.

Day 2.

I'm pretty sure that someone's hacked in to my house. Today the TV and the fridge went haywire. They started turning on and off. The house is trying to kill me. The alarm clock went beserk last night and tried wrapping me with the wire. My house is trying to kill me. There is only one place I feel safe going right now. I'm going in to my anti-technology bunker. I remembered when everyone laughed at me when I insisted in making one. But now? I'm in a safe place.

Day 1.

Today my house locked me in. Literally. I couldn't leave. Stupid house. It won't let me leave. It keeps on saying, "You may not leave." I think my house is being hacked. Hackers are everywhere. I think they're after me. Good thing I have food in my house that could last be a long while. Worse comes to worse, I could just break a window and leave. I don't know whats going to happen. All I know is that this is scaring the crap out of me.